Tag Archives: dennis hickman


This was done on Brittanie that I work with. She found an old photo of her grandmother that she wanted to turn in to a traditional style portrait. Her grandmothers favorite flower is the hyacinth flower so we put some of those around a fancy frame. This was a lot of fun to do and would definitely like to do more like this.


I did this one on my good friend Josh from Virginia.

Hitler sucks but Satan’s cool

I did this cover up on a guy who was about to start a new job, and was worried about what they would say about his tattoo. Guess a satanic goat head is ok though. It is in my book.

3 tattoo cover up..

This is a tattoo I did on my good friend Chris. I think I’ve covered about 4 or 5 of his tattoos now. This took 6 hours and got 2nd place in Best Traditional at the Augusta tattoo convention June 4th.

Weirdest tattoo..

So, I always get the question “What’s the weirdest tattoo you’ve ever done” when I’m tattooing people… I always feel bad for letting them down when I can’t really think of anything. When I got the request to do this one, I told the customer “Now I’ve got an answer to that question.”  It’s  Marilyn Monroe with her hair styled like a giraffe’s head…

New painting

Just did this little one last night. Had a paint night with my buddy Kyle who tattoos at Blue Gorilla.



Tattoos done not too long ago

More paintings..

A few paintings I’ve done recently.

I haven’t been painting too long, but I sure do enjoy it. I use watercolor on watercolor paper. Nothing too fancy. I wish I had more time to do more painting, but with working almost every day, time with family, and the occasional social outing, I don’t get to do it as often as I like. I just moved in to a new place and I’m in the process of setting up a spot in my house where I can’t paint, so hopefully I’ll be able to do it more often. Hope you enjoy these.